Monday, May 2, 2011

my beds

Here are some pictures of my planter beds. Finally got around to taking pictures. :)
One of my little blueberry bushes in back (we have a handful of blueberries growing on our 3 small's funny how giddy we are about the 15 or so berries we'll probably get this year! A few years down the road it will be even more exciting)...also a few strawberries and some cantaloupe sprouts that I'll have grow out to the left.
Along this fence I planted new blackberries and raspberries, as well as some transplants from another area of my yard. Hope to eventually have tons of berries growing on this fence. :)
One of my grapes that is almost ready to reach the cables!
This is my tomato cherry tomatoes and yellow pear.
Some of the plants are really tiny, but I have cucumber, beets, eggplants, red and green peppers, radishes and jalapenos.
Here's my long planter bed...on the closest side I have carrots, lettuce on the left, romaine on the right and celery(used some in my chicken salad yesterday) and swiss chard in the middle....'s the other end....on the side closest I have zucchini, tomatillo, red onions, scallions, green beans and peas.
Happy gardening!