Saturday, May 30, 2009


Here are some of our beets. Some of these are pretty small, but I was thinning/harvesting at the same time. Just planted another row where I took these out. We are starting to get some peas too. I picked a couple of pods and opened them and the kids ate them right there in the garden. Our peas look a little short though, I thought they'd be climbing more. Anyone had any experience with peas?

Tonight we thinned out the lower part of our tomato plants. They looked so dense down at the bottom, I thought they needed a little air circulation. We do have some immature tomatoes on the plants, so it shouldn't be too long for them!! I hand-pollinated our zucchini yesterday, because we've gotten only one mature zuke. The others turn yellow and stay little. I looked online and it said possibly they aren't pollinating, or that they are missing nitrogen. We'll see what happens! The one we did get was delicious. All the strawberry plants are still alive, hooray!
We have lots of spinach, some baby romaine, and if you'd like to try the beets, let me know ASAP and I'll save you a couple.
Farmer K

Thursday, May 28, 2009


So I will post pictures soon. I know I say that all the time. But last night, we had our first radish. It was delicious!!!!! So far this week, every night I have been able to include something from our garden. I love that. Once the other radishes get bigger, I will be sharing with you all.

Farmer T

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Beet

Farmer K's first beet, ever! YAY!

Here is our pumpkin plant and a flower!

No radishes yet but a cute rock painted by Bridget!

I'm so excited that my hubby built me 2 planter boxes to help our garden along.  I transplanted my very sad tomatoes into the box and planted some roma seeds as well.  Looking for sprouts every day.  I know they wont come for a while and yet every morning I anxiously check it out. Can't wait!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lettuce Tips

I have a great book called, "The Farmer's Wife Guide to Growing a Great Garden" by Barbara Doyen. She talks about different kinds of veggies, and how to grow, eat, and freeze them. I have never grown lettuce before, and wasn't sure how to harvest it. The Farmer's Wife talks about the differences between leaf lettuce and head lettuce, and romaine lettuce.

Harvesting Leaf Lettuce: Can be started any time. break off out leaves or cut off the whole plant about 1 and a half inches above the ground. The plants keep growing new leaves. Harvest regularly to prevent plant from going to seed. Plant is done if it grows a tall stalk with leaves on it (will be bitter at this point).

Harvesting Head Lettuce: Cut off at the ground. Roots will die.

(she doesn't specify Romaine harvest, so I will look into this a bit. I think you can do it either way)

We have a TON of arugula. My mom told me (after we planted) that arugula can become out of control and a little goes a LONG way. It's growing like wildfire. Please enjoy some of our arugula. Anytime. Also, if you'd like to borrow the book, let me know.

Farmer K

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Farmer K's First Harvest

We've had our first harvest! Arugula, and some spinach. Hooray! I'll be having a yummy salad tonight. There is arugula to share if anyone wants any.

Progress: Tomatoes, growing and flowering. Peppers, hanging in there. Zucchini, definitely healthy! Beans and peas, looking good. Basil and Cilantro, eaten by snails :...(