Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So exciting!

I'm so excited to hear about everyones crops. We also have new sprouts and I think they are green onion, cilantro and something else that I'm not sure of yet. I am still waiting for my tomatoes but I am seriously worried that the cold got to them. I will take pictures of my farm soon and post them since I am the only one who hasn't now.
This should be a great week for the crops. There should be plenty of sunny and warm days! Have fun gardening!!!
Farmer T

Sunday, March 22, 2009


We have sprouted! Sunflowers, romaine lettuce, arugula, beans and beets have all sprouted. Only 4 days in the little greenhouse!
~Farmer K

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Our Beginnings

Here's what we have so far! Today the kids and I planted a little of all the seeds we have. Once they sprout, we'll do another round of seedlings for things like carrots and beets...not sure how lettuce works, do I plant more seeds, or when I harvest the leaves, does more grow out of that same plant?

Now a little venting about Home Depot...I know, I know, I shouldn't have gone there but we had a gift card, so what can you do? Anyways, when I finally found the seed area (hiding behind tall stacks of patio furniture) there were no seedling trays bigger than ones that held 12 pots/pellets. Oh, and if you are looking for garden gloves at Home Depot, they are NOT in the gardening section. They are by the tool corral, inside, on the opposite side of the store. Lame.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Farmer K's progress

Farmers, here we are with some empty planter boxes. We will be getting dirt at some point soon, but now I think I must start seeds in the little tiny greenhouse pots. We did get some strawberry plants from Yamagami's, they are still alive but everytime I walk past them they cry, "plant us, plant us!" We are sloooooooow this year! But the boxes are great! Aaron finished them. We have two 4 x 8 foot planter boxes, and have room to put up our green bean poles. Plans, plans.....our seeds are: green beans, baby romaine lettuce, peas, carrots, beets...we also have the afore-mentioned strawberry plants and we plan on buying a few tomato plants, a zucchini, and some arugula and spinach. Grand plans, Farmers! BTW we have oranges and some ugly but juicy lemons available. On a non-edible note: our Japanese Maples are all starting to leaf out, they are beautiful! ~~Farmer K

Sunday, March 15, 2009

We Have Germination!

Farmer T reporting on the Bergan Farms Crop.

The following seed has germinated:

Japanese Lettuce (Mizuna) very tasty in salads. Light, crisp taste.
(If you are growing lettuce, protect from snails with cooper wiring).

Farmer A did your basil survive?
Farmer K progress report on planter boxes?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So I tried to modify the blog and have this as the header, but it wouldn't let me make changes, so I'm just posting it.

Farmer A :)

P.S. my poor basil is sad...we'll see if it gets better or if it is dead from the cold...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Beware of Cold Weather

Hi Farmers,

We have been experiencing some pretty cold weather so let's protect our crop. I would advise putting clear plastic over your plants to keep them warm (mini-greenhouse). It would be so sad and a waste if the cold gets to them. Just a thought.

Farmer T

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hi Ladies!  Ok I am a dork.  I decided for fun to take pictures of what my "garden" looks like now so we can see the progress (we hope!)

Here's my new apricot tree from last year.  I have high hopes for this little guy!  I cant figure out how to type between my other pictures so...next are my itty bitty tomato plants, then my peppers and squash, picture #4 is my crazy rosemary bush and the last is my herb wall.  If anyone wants rosemary, thyme or oregano now I have lots going already.  This should be fun...Thanks for including a Ronda girl with you Charlottes!

Message to Members

Please change format and do whatever you want with this blog. 

Welcome to Pocket Coop

Let's share our crops!

Welcome Laugesen Family, Hull Family, and Bergan Family.

This blog was created to share our farming experience and also to update us on coming crops. Please post as you wish.