Sunday, June 5, 2011


I sowed the seeds last fall, not sure of the timing, and the carrots have been growing and growing. The tops were soooo tall! I am pulling most of them so my beans have room to grow. I'll leave a few that are smaller. Made carrot soup tonight. It was ok, not great. Elisa ate 3 carrots before dinner though.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yummy Lettuce at Bergan Farm

What's growing at Bergan Farms?

Arugula LOVES my yard. It is growing like a weed. I will have many seeds so I'll pass them on to you.
Cilantro also LOVES my yard. I always have great luck with it. I heart Cilantro. I have to say that one of my favorite time of day is when I'm cooking dinner and I walk out with a pair of scissors to my garden and cut this and that. What a wonderful life! I have other pictures that I will post soon. Farmer T signing off.

Monday, May 2, 2011

my beds

Here are some pictures of my planter beds. Finally got around to taking pictures. :)
One of my little blueberry bushes in back (we have a handful of blueberries growing on our 3 small's funny how giddy we are about the 15 or so berries we'll probably get this year! A few years down the road it will be even more exciting)...also a few strawberries and some cantaloupe sprouts that I'll have grow out to the left.
Along this fence I planted new blackberries and raspberries, as well as some transplants from another area of my yard. Hope to eventually have tons of berries growing on this fence. :)
One of my grapes that is almost ready to reach the cables!
This is my tomato cherry tomatoes and yellow pear.
Some of the plants are really tiny, but I have cucumber, beets, eggplants, red and green peppers, radishes and jalapenos.
Here's my long planter bed...on the closest side I have carrots, lettuce on the left, romaine on the right and celery(used some in my chicken salad yesterday) and swiss chard in the middle....'s the other end....on the side closest I have zucchini, tomatillo, red onions, scallions, green beans and peas.
Happy gardening!

Fava Bean Harvest

So yesterday I decided to harvest all my fava beans. Took some time shelling them and I'm happy to say I got quite a lot from my crop! :) Going to use them in dinner tonight and tomorrow. It is so delightful to grow something in the garden and get to use it in your meal!! I was also happy to free up a ton of space because the favas were taking over more than half of one of my planter beds. I planted some roma tomato seeds there, a yellow squash and some more herbs. Did a lot of plant thinning as well. I do have a lot more yellow pear tomatoes, eggplants, and jalapenos growing than I need. I'm letting them grow bigger and then if anyone would like some I can do my best to carefully dig them up and you can try and transplant them in your garden. Just let me know.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Farmer A's Farm

Hi Ladies!

I am so excited this year and going pretty crazy. Interesting in seed sharing Farmer T. I have tons of seeds to share and would love to check out what you have for when Laborer Pete builds my last big planter bed soon and I can get more stuff in the ground. Thanks!

Here's what I have going and I too will post pics soon.
Winter garden:
red swiss chard
romaine lettuce
fava beans
red and yellow onions

Here's what's new for spring!
tomatoes (yellow pear, cherry, roma)
green beans
red/yellow onions
green onions
bell peppers

I was a dork and didn't label anything, remember where some are, but others will be surprises as them come up. Most of my plants are sprouted and growing, a few I bought as plants. Lots of herbs too...sage, thyme, oregano, rosemary, parsley, cilantro, basil.

I also have lots of berries (3 blueberry, lots of black and raspberry), 4 different grapes, and added some new trees to my yard this year. May be a while until I have fruit, but I am patient and can't wait! Added a fuji apple, bing cherry, plum, elberta peach, white peach, pomegranate, satsuma, and clementine. Wow, when I write it all down it seems like a lot. These are all tiny, cheap trees so I know it will be a while. The great find I discovered for fruit trees/bushes/berries is Whole Foods. Really nice quality, Duarte Farms plants from Fresno...tons of different trees ($10 each), tons of berries ($6 each), and citrus trees/bushes ($13 each). Costco also had last I went very large blueberry bushes (3 gallon pots) with tons of blueberries on them already growing for $20. Pretty good deal for how huge the plants already are. Anyhow I'll stop blabbering on for now. Hope to have lots of stuff to share with you all this summer. I'm optimistic!! :)

Seed Sharing?

By the way, I have so many seeds. If you're interested in a seed exchange, let me know.

Farmer T